Kaartjes reserveren: https://amsterdamfringefestival.nl/programma/cycle/
De oneindigheid van de bewegingen van cyrewheel en diabolo heeft mijn fascinatie: zij functioneren doordat zij voortdurend draaien. Ik ben degene die hen steeds weer tot beweging aanzet, net als ik mijzelf steeds weer aanzet tot de volgende poging in mijn leven. Een metafoor voor het leven dat zich in steeds nieuwe cycli ontwikkelt.
Is there actually anything of existence ever standing still? Many breaths are taken in a day, a few days form a week and when the amount of weeks we live is counted, how can we circulate through life only once? It´s just a matter of looking at magnitudes to discover how everything evolves in repetitive circulation just as atoms, planets and solar systems spiral and turn through cycles.
The solo show cycle turns around a research of the circulating objects Cyr Wheel and Diabolo bound together with the support of the Loop-station. An exploration of the contrast between the cyr wheels force and the diabolos fragility.
This work in progress performance is performed by the artist David Eisele, who studied at Codarts Circus arts, Rotterdam.
He is the winner of Netherlands BNG Circus Prize 2018.
Kaartjes reserveren: https://amsterdamfringefestival.nl/programma/cycle/