The NIM 534 theatre group directed by Ilaria Forciniti is happy to present a new theatre show: POSSESSIONS A story about a mother and her son Freely inspired by the Greek tragedy by Euripides, The Bacchae. 4 actors plus extras, 5 different languages 6 nationalities and…more surprises
ABOUT THE SHOW A state of having, owning or having control over a physical object. Or over someone, and be manifested through their whole being. Demons and devils of nowaday’s capitalism. Rat race. Materialism. Witches. Ferocious rituals. Brainwashed, blurred, burn out. Depression. Possessed. To possess. Victims of the platform we all are driven by. And sucked in. The Greek myth by Euripides, The Bacchae, was an inspiration for awakening the constant seeking and longing for true happiness, human connection between her and her son, through the eyes of nowaday’s capitalistic and materialistic society. It reflects the psychological dealing with the traumatic event, it shifts between ups and downs, nightmares, dreams and reality.
Actors: Nina Virant, Eliška Vondráček Horehleďová, Jonė _urniežiūtė, Marco Amoroso.
Extras: Gilda Bruno, Iris Blom
Director: Ilaria Forciniti
Info: www.ilariaforciniti.com
Ticket price 12 euro (CASH ONLY) Kassa opens 30 min before the show starts